- Our automated anti-piracy system hunts down pirate links for you.
- Continuous searches mean nothing slips through the cracks.
- DMCA notices sent within minutes of discovery.
- Copyright infringement experts action each link by hand.
- Clear, easy to use statistics and data track in real time.
Behind the scenes at NetNavy runs technology called the Hunter-Seeker Engineā¢, a synthesis of processing power and coding expertise that automatically scours the internet for pirate copies of your property and destroys them.
The Engine intelligently sorts these to discover the links that are losing you money. We then take down each of these links by hand. The Engine's auto-tracking capabilities monitor every individual link to ensure that it is taken down. If we encounter belligerent or non-responsive links, the Engine notifies us, allowing us to escalate legal action.
It is the Engine that makes NetNavy uniquely powerful; it is our secret weapon in tracking and removing content that violates intellectual property law.